HOA Frequently Asked Questions

In Colorado, HOA's (or Common Interest Communities) are governed by the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”). This law defines the rights of unit owners, as well as those bestowed upon the association. It also defines the responsibility of an association, as directed by its Executive Board. The Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act provides for the enforcement of those rights and responsibilities through civil litigation. Unfortunately, the State has no authority to intervene in any association member's conflict with their association, nor does it have any jurisdiction to enforce the rights and responsibilities defined in the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act. Succinctly speaking, there is no regulatory oversight of HOAs or Community Association Managers in the State of Colorado. Any dispute between homeowners or homeowners and an HOA is considered a civil matter. The Colorado Judicial Branch's Office of Dispute Resolution offers affordable access to qualified mediators and has several professionals that specialize in issues related to Common Interest Communities. Assuming your HOA is willing, engaging in alternative dispute resolution can oftentimes eliminate the need for litigation.

Does the Division of Real Estate regulate Community Association Managers?

Community Association Manager licensing and regulation existed in the form of the Community Association Manager Program, housed in the Division of Real Estate from July 1, 2015, to July 1, 2019. In May of 2019, the General Assembly passed House Bill 19-1212 , which concerned the recreation of the CAM licensing program. The bill would have continued the CAM licensing program, administered by the Division, for one year. However, on May 31, 2019, Governor Polis vetoed HB19-1212 and the CAM Program expired on June 30, 2019. The Governor’s related Executive Order D-2019-006 (Directing a Stakeholder Process to Examine Community and Homeowner Associations) can be viewed here . You may view the 2019 Report Concerning the Governor's Executive Order D-2019-006: Directing a Stakeholder Process to Examine Community and Homeowner Associations here .

If The HOA Center doesn’t regulate HOAs or CAMs, what does it do?

The HOA Information & Resource Center was created by House Bill 10-1278 and became effective January 1, 2011. The HOA Center serves as a resource for consumers to understand their basic rights and responsibilities under the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act.

What the HOA Information & Resource Center does :

What the HOA Information & Resource Center does not do:

If The HOA Center doesn’t regulate HOAs or CAMs, why should I file a complaint?

Although the HOA Information and Resource Center and the Division of Real Estate do not have any investigative or enforcement capabilities to address your HOA complaint, we do record your issues and matters of concern into a statistical database, which is later compiled into an annual report for consideration by the state legislature. By filing a complaint, you are helping the HOA Center to gather important information on HOAs.

Association Records, Governing Documents and The Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act

I have asked my HOA for records I know I’m entitled to and they won’t give them to me - what can I do?

Section 38-33.3-317 of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”) defines what records must be kept by the association, for the purposes of retention and production to unit owners. You may want to review a summary of House Bill 12-1237 , which has subsequently been incorporated into the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act Section 317. It may help understand which association records "must be produced", which "may be produced" ("may be produced" is at the discretion of the Board), and those which "must be withheld". Be sure to read through your governing documents to what your community’s records request policy states. Be sure to follow it when making your request. You may also wish to review this request template that lists the items that associations are required to disclose annually . Please be sure to review your association’s record request policy prior to using this form to ensure it complies with policy requirements.

Additionally, keep in mind that an association may require unit owners to submit written requests, describing with reasonable particularity the records sought, at least ten (10) days prior to inspection or production of the documents. Examination and copying times can also be limited to normal business hours or the next regularly scheduled board meeting if the meeting occurs within thirty (30) days after the request. Finally, a reasonable charge may be imposed and can be collected in advance to cover the costs of labor and materials incurred for the production of requested documents.

If, after reviewing all of the above information, you still believe that your association is wrongfully withholding records which you are entitled to and which have been properly requested, then you will have to engage in alternative dispute resolution (i.e. mediation, arbitration, etc.). If alternative dispute resolution is unsuccessful or the association refuses to participate, you will have to contact an attorney and file a lawsuit to force the association to provide the records.

In the event that you believe your association is withholding documents that you are entitled to, you may want to review HB21-1229 which was incorporated into section 38-33.3-317(4.5) of CCIOA and may allow a unit owner the opportunity to recover penalties of fifty dollars ($50.00) per day, up to a maximum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) or the unit owner’s actual damages sustained as a result of the refusal, whichever is greater.

What information must an HOA disclose and how often must they do so?

The Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act requires common interest communities to disclose the below information to their membership within 90 days after the end of each fiscal year. This is often referred to as the annual disclosure.

Associations must make the information above available to its members at no additional cost to unit owners and may do so by one of the following ways:

  1. Posting on an internet web page with accompanying notice of the web address sent via first-class mail or email to all owners;
  2. The maintenance of a literature table or binder at the association’s principal place of business; or
  3. Mail or personal delivery to all owners.

The costs associated with these methods of delivery and making the disclosures available shall be accounted for as a common expense liability of the association.

I am contemplating purchasing a home in an HOA - where can I find it’s governing documents?

There is no central repository of HOA governing documents in Colorado. Each association is responsible for maintaining records pursuant to sections 38-33.3-317 & 38-33.3-209.4 of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act and the Colorado Nonprofit Corporation Act, at Article 136. As a non-member potential purchaser, you will have to ask your real estate broker to ask the listing agent if the seller would be able and willing to provide you with copies of the current governing documents. However, you are not entitled to them until you have signed the Contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate (see section 7).

What are an association’s responsibilities regarding record retention?

Sections 38-33.3-317 & 38-33.3-209.4 of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act and the Colorado Nonprofit Act, C.R.S. §7-136-101 to §7-136-107 outline the type of documents required to be maintained by an association.

I am unable to contact my HOA. Does the HOA Center have their contact information?

You may research if your HOA’s current contact information is included in the registration using the Division of Real Estate’s Licensee Lookup (use the "Business Name/DBA" search field). Please note, the Division is unable to verify the information provided by HOAs and their representatives upon registration.

What is the General Hierarchy of an association’s governing documents?

Generally, the hierarchy of governing documents is 1) Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (“CCRs”), 2) Articles of Incorporation, 3) Bylaws, 4) Governance Policies, 5) Rules & Regulations, and 6) Design Guidelines. Note that #1 is the highest level of authority.

If a section of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act appears to be in conflict with my governing documents, which one takes precedence?

If a particular section of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act or the Nonprofit Act takes precedence over an association's governing documents, then that section will likely begin with language such as "Notwithstanding any provision in the declaration, bylaws, or other documents to the contrary." If a particular section of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act or the Nonprofit Act is to supplement, but not take precedence over, an association's governing documents, then that section will likely begin with language such as "Unless otherwise provided in the declaration, bylaws, or rules of the association."

What are responsible governance policies?

Section 38-33.3-209.5 of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act requires an association to adopt policies, procedures, and rules and regulations concerning multiple areas of governance. Most of the required policies do not have substantive requirements other than their existence. However, the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act does mandate some substantive requirements for a few policies.

1. Collection Policy

At minimum, an association’s collection policy must contain the due date of the assessment as well as the date it is considered past due; late fees and interest that may be charged, amount of any fee if a payment is not honored by a financial institution and any payment plan options, keeping in mind that the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act requires that an association, upon request, make good faith efforts to coordinate a payment plan with a delinquent unit owner who has not already entered into a payment plan with the association. A collection policy should also include information on how payments are applied to owners’ accounts, notice requirements and a description of the action required to cure a delinquency, keeping in mind that the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act requires an association to provide at least 30 days to cure a delinquency.

2. Covenant Enforcement Policy

A covenant enforcement policy is going to be unique to the individual community it governs. However, the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act requires that, at a minimum, a community’s covenant enforcement policy contain notice and hearing procedures, as well as the schedule of fines.

3. Conduct of Meetings Policy

As best practice, this policy should include how long homeowners are allowed to speak about a particular issue; what constitutes inappropriate behavior at a meeting; notice requirements; information regarding issuance and provision of proxies; and information about electronic voting, etc. An association’s conduct of meeting policy should also include information related to the board making decisions outside of a meeting.

4. Inspection of Records Policy

Section 38-33.3-317 of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act defines what records must be kept by the association, for the purposes of retention and production to unit owners. You may want to review a summary of House Bill 12-1237 , which has subsequently been incorporated into the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act Section 317. It may help understand which association records "must be produced", which "may be produced" (at the discretion of the Board), and those which "must be withheld".

The Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act also states that all records maintained by an association must be available for examination and copying by a unit owner or the owner’s authorized agent. As such, owners must be provided access to association records, with limited exceptions.

Any inspection of records policy should clearly address how a member should request records. An association may require unit owners to submit written requests, describing with reasonable particularity the records sought, at least ten (10) days prior to inspection or production of the documents.

Examination and copying times can also be limited to normal business hours or the next regularly scheduled board meeting if the meeting occurs within thirty (30) days after the request. Additionally, the policy cannot require owners to demonstrate a proper purpose for the inspection and cannot request that a purpose be stated. A reasonable charge may be imposed and can be collected in advance to cover the costs of labor and materials incurred for the production of requested documents. The policy should clearly state how the association will calculate charges for production.

5. Conflict of Interest Policy

Conflicts of interest may exist in a variety of circumstances and even the perception of one is enough to create discord within homeowners associations. The Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act requires that an association’s conflict of interest policy address, at minimum: when a conflict of interests exists; procedures to follow when a conflict of interest arises, including procedures regarding disclosure and a description of circumstances under which a conflicted board member must recuse themselves from voting. It should also require a periodic review of the policy.

6. Investment Policy

The Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act requires that homeowner associations have a policy regarding the investment of reserve funds. Boards should consult with a qualified financial planner and/or CPA to determine the most appropriate investment strategy for their community.

7. Adoption of Rules and Policies Policy

Homeowner associations must also have a policy which describes the procedures for the adoption and amendment of policies, procedures, and rules. This policy should clearly state the process for adoption and amendment of an association’s policies.

8. Alternative Dispute Resolution (“ADR”) Policy

While The Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act requires an association to have an ADR policy, it does not specify what needs to be included. Although mediation is encouraged, if an association does not wish to engage in ADR, they may have an ADR policy which states so.

9. Reserve Study Policy

Although the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act does not require reserve studies to occur, it does require an association to have a policy which states when a reserve study is going to take place; whether there is a funding plan in place for the work recommended by the study, and whether the study is based on a physical and financial analysis. Additionally, the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act states that an internally conducted study is sufficient to comply with this rule.

Does my HOA have to follow the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act?

The Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”) is a set of laws that govern the formation, management, powers, and operation of Common Interest Communities (HOAs) in Colorado. While most of the important provisions in the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act apply to all Common Interest Communities, regardless of when those communities were created, some provisions apply only to communities created after July 1, 1992. Additionally, common interest communities created before July 1, 1992, are still subject to the older law.

Determining which sections of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act apply to a pre-1992 association can be a complex question, as several variables must be considered, including but not limited to:

For more information on the applicability of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act, please see:

What are the rules regarding amending governing documents?

Amending the Declaration - Generally

Section 38-33.3-217 of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act states that the declaration may be amended only by a vote of more than fifty percent of the association or any larger percentage, not to exceed sixty-seven percent, that the declaration specifies. The Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act also states that any provision in the declaration that purports to specify a percentage larger than sixty-seven percent is void as contrary to public policy, and until amended, such provision must be deemed to specify a percentage of sixty-seven percent. The declaration may specify a smaller percentage than a simple majority only if all of the units are restricted exclusively to nonresidential use.

Amending the Declaration - Use Restrictions

Section 38-33.3-217 (4.5) of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act states that, except to the extent expressly permitted or required by other provisions of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act, no amendment may change any use restriction in the absence of a vote of at least sixty-seven percent of the association, or any larger percentage the declaration specifies. The declaration may specify a smaller percentage only if all of the units are restricted exclusively to nonresidential use.

Amending the Bylaws - Generally

Section 38-33.3-306 (1)(f) of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act states that the bylaws of an association must provide a method for amending the bylaws.

Amending the Bylaws - Specific Requirements

Section 303 (3)(a) of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act prohibits boards from unilaterally adopting certain amendments and requires owner approval for such revisions to be valid.

Specifically, boards cannot act on behalf of the association to take the following actions: