JLPT – Frequently Asked Questions

The JLPT in the U.S. is offered only once a year in the U.S., on the first Sunday of December. No July test is offered in the U.S. For locations in other countries, click here .

Are there any restrictions as to who can take the JLPT?

The JLPT is open to all non-native Japanese speakers. Eligibility extends to holders of Japanese citizenship. There are no age restrictions for the JLPT.

I am not a U.S. citizen. Can I take the JLPT in the U.S.?

Yes, you can take the JLPT in the U.S. even if you are not a U.S. citizen.

Can I register for any level?

You can register for any level you wish. You do not have to have taken or passed lower levels of the JLPT in order to take higher levels of the test.

Will the examination accommodate persons with disabilities?

We offer Special Testing Accommodations (STA) for examinees with disabilities. See the main page for more information.

I’m traveling to take the JLPT. What time does the test start and end?

Usually, the check-in starts around 12:00 noon and the test starts around 1:00 pm. The time for test-takers to exit the building depends on the level – test takers will be dismissed sometime between 3:30 and 6:00 pm. Since the test takes place in winter when severe weather could affect roads and public transportation, please make sure you allow for extra time to reach the test site as well as to return home.

— Registration —

When does registration open for the JLPT?

Registration usually opens in mid-August. Detailed information will be posted on the main page in late July. Please note that JLPT registration for the U.S. has staggered opening days starting with N1 and ending with N5.

Do/Can I create an account prior to registration?

You won’t be able to create an account until the registration opens. You will create your account at the time of registration.

I’ve taken the JLPT in the U.S. before, but I can’t access my old registration account.

To ensure the security of your personal information, all registration information is deleted each year from our registration system after the exam. Therefore, you must create a new account and register each year.

I am a parent/guardian/teacher, can I register on behalf of my children/students?

Yes, you can! But please note the following:

Can I challenge two levels at the same time?

No; you cannot take two tests, since all levels of the JLPT are given on the same day at approximately the same time.

Where are the test sites in the U.S.?

The testing locations will be confirmed in July each year. You can get an idea of the likely testing locations by viewing the past location information on the main page .

I registered for the JLPT, but I want to change the testing level and/or location.

You cannot change the testing level or location once you register. Your order (Selection of Level & Site) is final from the moment of completing the payment. No refunds or transfers will be granted.

I missed the registration. Can I still sign up?

No. Unfortunately, Late Registration and Waitlists are not available due to high demand.

However, the July test is held in different countries, so those who are able to travel can take the July test in other countries. Click here for overseas locations.

The testing site I wanted to register at is already full. Is there a waitlist?

No; We cannot keep a waitlist. We strongly suggest that you look into other testing locations with open spots.

I’ve registered but will not be able to attend the test. Can I cancel, transfer my seat to my friend, or postpone it?

No; you cannot cancel, transfer your seat to your friend, or reschedule the test for next year.

What should I do if I am unable to attend the exam?

You do not have to notify the JLPT Administration Committee of your absence. If you do not show up for the test, you will simply not receive a score or a refund. Not taking the test this year will not affect you in any way if you decide to take the JLPT again in the future.

Can I go to one of the testing sites on the day of the exam and take the spot of someone who missed the exam?

No, we cannot take on-site registration. We cannot accept examinees after the registration has closed, even if a seat is available on the day of the exam due to an absence or for other reasons.

I have special needs; can I request special test conditions?

Yes, you can apply for Special Testing Accommodations (STA). See the main page for instructions.

What happens if my request for STA is not approved?

If your STA request is not approved, you will still be able to take the test in the same room as the general examinees with standard testing time.

I have moved since I registered. Can I change my mailing address?

Yes. Log on to the registration site, and you can edit your address there.

— Voucher —

My name or date of birth on the test voucher is incorrect. Can they be corrected?

Your name and date of birth will be printed on your certificate as you enter them into the registration system. So please enter your information carefully when registering, and check your order confirmation slip and voucher. If you find any entry errors, make corrections in the JLPT registration portal or contact us ( jlpt@aatj.org ) as soon as possible.

Can I change the level or test site on my test voucher?

No. You cannot change the testing level or location once you register. Your order (Selection of Level & Site) is final from the moment of completing the payment. No refunds or transfers will be granted.

My voucher is blank. What should I do?

Please email us at jlpt@aatj.org .

— Test Day —

I have registered for the JLPT but now I cannot take it. What should I do?

Nothing. There is no need for you to contact us for your absence on the test day. You won’t receive a score or a refund, but it will not affect you in any way if you decide to take the JLPT elsewhere or in the future.

What happens if I am late?

If you arrive more than 10 minutes after the test has begun for any given section (except for the listening section*), you may be denied admission, in which case you will be considered absent. You may be permitted to complete the remaining sections, provided that you comply with the test rules. A decision of pass or fail will be given only to those examinees who take all sections of the test.

*Once the listening section of the test starts, no one will be allowed to enter the classroom. If you arrive after the test administration has begun for the listening section, you will be denied admission and you will be considered absent from that section.

May I use mechanical pencils to mark answers?

We strongly recommend that you use #2 regular pencils. Mechanical pencils are not prohibited, but they are sharper than pencils and may damage the answer sheet and prevent it from being machine-graded, so we don’t recommend them.

— Results and Certification —

When will the results be released?

We will email you with information on how to access your results online at the end of January. (The online results are available for a limited time only.)

How do I access the online results?

The online results are available for a limited time only. You will need your registration number and the 8-digit passcode you created when you registered for the exam. If you can’t remember your passcode, you can look it up by logging into the registration site or contact us at jlpt@aatj.org .

When will I receive my certificate?

If you pass the JLPT, you should receive your certificate by the end of March.

If the certificate cannot be delivered, it will be returned to us by the Post Office, and we will contact you for instructions. However, please note that it takes a very long time for mail to be returned to our office for reasons such as an unknown address, so please wait until May to request a reissuance of your certificate.

The scores I received are different from what I thought I would get. Can I have them confirmed or re-mark my test?

No, we cannot review test scores after they are issued. Individual examinees’ scores are calculated not only mechanically but also strictly checked by specialists. As stated in the Test Guide, we do not accept any inquiries regarding an individual’s test results. The JLPT uses “scaled scores.” Scaled scores are calculated based on “answering patterns” of each examinee, not on “the number of questions correctly answered.” Therefore, scores in the results may be different from what you thought. Please see this more detailed explanation about scaled scores .

I have changed my legal name. Can you issue me a Certificate of Result and Scores with my new name?

No. The name on the certificate cannot be changed even if your legal name has changed. If you are submitting the documents to your school or employer, please contact them directly and make arrangements according to their instructions.

The online results are no longer available. Is there a way for me to know how I did?

No results are given by telephone, fax, or email. However, you can ask us to send you a physical copy of your results. Please email us with the necessary information .

Does the certificate expire?

No. A JLPT certificate does not expire.

If your questions are not answered here, please email jlpt@aatj.org